Stay tuned
A New Resource for English-Speaking Institutions
5 December, 2024
Driven by the desire to foster inter-institutional connections and highlight scientific knowledge, the Observatoire sur la réussite en enseignement supérieur (ORES) is launching the English section of its website.
Orientation and mobilization committees: ORES welcomes new members
11 October, 2024
The Observatoire sur la réussite en enseignement supérieur (ORES) is pleased to introduce the members of its 2024-2025 Steering and Mobilization Committees!
2023-2024 Activity Report
23 September, 2024
The Observatoire sur la réussite en enseignement supérieur (ORES) is proud to present its 2023-2024 Annual Report. This second activities report provides an overview of a busy year characterized by the deployment of a diversified service offering.
Rencontres internationales de la réussite étudiante: June 3 to 5, 2025
18 September, 2024
Mark your calendars! The Observatoire sur la réussite en enseignement supérieur and the Université du Québec invite you to take part in the 2nd edition of the Rencontres internationales de la réussite étudiante, which will be held in Québec City from June 3 to 5.
2022-2023 Activity Report
10 November, 2023
The year 2022-2023 provided ORES with an opportunity to establish itself as a reference and convergence point for all stakeholders in higher education. The projects developed have helped achieve its vision: to be a driver of positive change with the success of all students at the heart of its concerns.
A New Steering Committee for ORES
7 September, 2023
The Observatoire sur la réussite en enseignement supérieur is pleased to introduce the members of its 2023-2024 Steering Committee! Following a call for applications, twenty-two individual and institutional members were appointed to the Committee. There is no doubt that their commitment to student success and the wide variety of experiences they share will benefit the development of ORES' activities.
Relais, A Popular Scientific Journal
25 April, 2023
The Observatoire sur la réussite en enseignement supérieur is proud to launch Relais. the popular scientific journal on success in higher education. This new journal aims to foster a better understanding of the realities and issues related to success by facilitating access to scientific data. Intended for those who are involved with higher education institutions, Relais strengthens the link between research and practice.
Successful Launch of ORES’ Activities
23 March, 2023
On March 22, 2023, at the École nationale d'administration publique, the Observatoire sur la réussite en enseignement supérieur officially launched its activities and underlined the publication of its thematic dossier entitled Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI): At the Heart of Student Success.
CAPRES to become the Observatoire sur la réussite en enseignement supérieur
7 February, 2022