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Resource types
Education levels
5 results
Activities, Watch it Again
17 January, 2019
Webinar | Transitions in Higher Education: What Role for Services to Students with Disabilities?
Educational Pathways
Disability status
Publications, Inspiring Practices
Initiatives for Graduate Students from Marginalized Groups at the University of California Berkeley (content available in French only)
Student services
Ethnocultural identity
Gender and sexual orientation
23 March, 2022
Webinar | Facilitating the Transition of Students with Disabilities to the Labour Market (content available in French only)
Student Socio-Cultural Characteristics
Graduation and professional integration
Ensuring the Full and Effective Participation of Persons with Disabilities at the University Level: An Initiative by the Université de Montréal (content available in French only)
Student Support
Publications, Dossiers, Key Concepts
What Does Intersectionality Mean?